common clients中文什么意思

发音:   用"common clients"造句
  • common:    adj. 1.共通的,共同的,共有的 ...
  • client:    n. 1.诉讼[辩护]委托人;顾客, ...
  • clients:    顾客客户; 委托方; 应受账款
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  1. They provide a common client interface to any set of resources - databases , external systems , and others
  2. For example , the jca common client interface defines the interface shown in listing 4 , which should be implemented by an mdb wishing to be driven asynchronously by a cci connector
    例如, jca公共客户端接口( cci )定义了清单4所示的接口,希望由cci连接器异步驱动的mdb应当实现这些接口:
  3. Hiersvr illustrates the class derivations necessary to implement a fully functional visual editing server application and illustrates some of the most common client application user interfaces that require additional code
  4. J2ee components running within the application server make calls to the resource adapter through the common client interface , and the resource adapter translates these calls into corresponding calls on the underlying information system using a native protocol
    J2ee组件应用程序服务器中运行,并通过通用客户端接口( common client interface , cci )产生对资源适配器的调用,资源适配器使用固有的协议将这些调用解释为相应的对基础信息系统的调用。


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